In yesterday’s entry, “When Church Reopens,” we considered that the church is people, not a building. The church in Jerusalem began outside a building, and for the first three or four centuries, believers met in homes or in the open air, not dedicated, official church buildings.
We confess we are the church, but trials prove it. Jesus said that His disciples would be identified by their love for one another (John 13:35), and the outpouring of His love among us is remarkable.
Such things as providing meals, occasional cards, caring phone calls, and grocery store runs are behind the scenes, and don’t depend upon a building or even a public gathering. In our church, your service to one another is evidence of our strong unity in Christ through His Spirit.
Jesus also said that “where your treasure is, your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21), and the fact that our collective giving is keeping pace with expenses is another sign of spiritual life. In contrast, we read of churches whose offerings have fallen by fifty to seventy percent.
Another indicator of spiritual vitality is your desire to be together, one way or another. Our people, not all of whom are particularly “tech savvy,” are logging or dialing in for our virtual gatherings in numbers approaching (by our estimates) our Sunday morning attendance.
These things are neither accidental nor unrelated, but symptomatic of a healthy church family. We thank God for His faithfulness to and through you. You are living proof of the reality of the Body of Christ.
“Father, we are grateful beyond words for how You are keeping your promises and unifying Your people. All of this is an expression of your grace, and we praise you in Jesus’ mighty Name! Amen.”