In past years a cell phone provider used a commercial to tap into a frustrating experience that most of us have been subject to. In the commercial an actor was portrayed frantically moving around while talking with someone on their cellphone and repeatedly asking the question, “Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now?”.
Of course the whole point of the commercial was to say to us, “Hey, if you don’t want to experience this, than switch your service to us and you will hear everyone all the time!”.
God wants everyone to hear what He has to say through His word, especially His church. But unlike someone with poor cell phone reception, we sometimes don’t take in God’s word into our hearts because we have heard Him loud and clear many, many times and dare I say, we tune Him out because we think what He has to say to us is so familiar. Today, I encourage you to read Pastor Greg Laurie’s devotional below. It is a wonderful reminder of why it is so important for us to be attentive to God’s word at all times. Enjoy the blessing of Pastor Laurie’s words. Let us prepare our hearts for the
next time we read a devotional or go to church (which, by the way, is going to happen oh so soon…)
In Christ’s love,