Blue Print March 2016

BluePrint March 2016
Check out Articles, Events, and Ministry happenings this month. 
Weekly Prayer Meeting
  • Wednesday Evenings ­ 7:00 PM
  • In the church lounge
  • Everyone is encouraged to attend. No experience necessary.
Palm Sunday ­ March 20th 
When Jesus entered Jerusalem and lived out the final days of His human life on earth;
  • Sunday School for all ages at 9:00 AM
  • Worship at 10:15 AM
  • Evening Service ­ 6:00 PM
Good Friday ­ March 25th
When Jesus Christ died as He willingly gave His life as the Sacrificial Lamb of God for our sins;
  • Worship at 7:00 PM
Easter Sunday ­ March 27
When the Lord Jesus Christ rose from the grave giving assurance of Eternal Life to all who believe in
  • Sunday School for all Ages – 9:00 AM
  • Worship at 10:15 AM

Superbook Movie Matinee

Sunday, March 13

12:00 PM ­ Potluck  Lunch Movie Following

in the church auditorium. Fun for all ages!

Inspiration Station Vacation Bible School

July 18-­22, 2016

9:00 am-­12:00 noon

For all kids age 5 ­ grade 6

Games, Music, Crafts and Bible stories focused on the ministry of Paul.

Tell your friends!!

More details next month.
March 8th

Can you sing, dance, play an instrument or do some incredible karate chops? Do you love to knit,

Please share the talents God has blessed you with at our first ever Talent Show / Show and Tell

Event! No matter if you are five or ninety­five we want to see and hear all about how God has

gifted YOU!!! Don’t delay… sign up on the poster in the rear lobby!!!

Expect Refreshments. Expect to laugh. Expect to have fun!

This will be an event you won’t want to miss!!

Upcoming reminders: Camp Sankanac will be held April 22nd through 24th for first graders and

older. Scooters are welcome to join us for the day on Saturday. Look for permission slips and

information to be mailed home soon!


Crossroads Banner

“Helping teens follow Christ”

All youth in grades 7-­12 are encouraged to join us on
Tuesdays, 6:30 to 8:30 PM.
March 1st Handball

March 8 Four ­on ­a ­Couch (Brush up on your mental skills)

March 15 Indoor Soccer

March 22 OUTREACH NIGHT, pizza (Those two go together very well.)
March 29 Skits in a bag (Who is packing the bag? Hmm. If Julia does it, there will be knitting needles!)

April 5th Family Feud,

Questions: Are you reading your Bible regularly? Praying regularly? Faithfully attending Sunday school

and church? Guarding your heart and mind with all due diligence? Avoiding all appearance of evil?


Tuesday Nights

6:30 ­ 8:00 PM

✧ March 8 Talent Show / Show and Tell

✧ March 15 Regular Club Night

✧ March 22 No Club – Spring Break

✧ March 29 Regular Club Night
Men's Ministry
All men are invited to the church for breakfast.

Saturday, March 19th at 8:30 AM

Join us for breakfast at the church. The food is delicious, the conversation and Christian fellowship even better!

Come to meet and get connected with others seeking to be “Authentic Men.” All men age 16+ are welcome.

Sign up via phone or email:

(610) 544­3122 /

Mark Your Calendar!

Women's Ministry


A 6­week small group discipleship study on Not a Fan. (

  • Jesus is NOT looking for fans…
  • He’s looking for followers.
  • Followers who understand that…
  • There is no forgiveness without repentance.
  • There is no salvation without surrender.
  • There is no believing without following.
  • There is no life without death.

Fridays starting April 8th (7pm). Led by Sue Uner.

Look for sign ups on or on the church Tab!

Women’s Fellowship Spring Retreat

April 1­3, 2016

Ocean City NJ



Single, Married, Young or Old….We all are looking to finding a balance in our lives! This Bible

study presented by Carol Cool is very applicable to each one of us no matter where we

are…balancing one or two things…or surrounded by many important­to­us people or things that need

You are invited to come and find your rest and relaxation for a weekend away! Using God’s Word,

we will learn to make intentional choices that focus our life, allowing us to find joy and rest amidst the

Check out the speaker at


  • Quad $185 per person
  • Triple $195 per person
  • Double $215 per person
  • Single $310 per person

(Includes 2 night’s accommodations and 4 meals)

We will help you find a roommate if necessary!! The retreat is open to all women! Feel free to invite a

friend, family member or co­worker! It’s a great getaway!


8:30 AM – 9 PM +

with Breakfast & Dinner ­ $75 per person

Campaign Cliches, Debate Debacles, and Election Entertainment

Every four years we have the privilege and duty of thinking through the candidates running for

the presidency. For me it has been difficult to stay engaged this election cycle, not because I have

Now, I hasten to add that my hope is not in a person or political party, so failures there are not

surprising. People, parties, and nations fail, and that is a simple matter of history (and prophecy).

Ultimately, our hope must be in God. I get that, and believe and preach it firmly, and it is not that

For me the loss of hope has been in the weakening of the system by which we choose and

elect candidates, the media forum through which we view them, and the level of the discussion both

on the debate stage and around the water cooler. The word that comes to mind is “circus.”

It’s not a breakdown in the ends, but the means. We will nominate candidates, and we will

elect a president. The trouble is in the process, and it would appear that we are experiencing three

different but connected problems.

First, there is an incredible incredibility among the candidates. In spite of checkered histories

and proven misrepresentations, those who spin the best yarns somehow gain in the polls. Is anyone

keeping score here? Anyone accountable?

Second, there is the failure to address many of the key issues underlying our economic,

cultural, and international crises. Instead of specific solutions we hear name­calling, mean­spirited

remarks, and superficial analysis. Are these our best and brightest?

Finally, the entire production, performers and spectators alike, smacks more of a panicky

tribalism than informed, free, rational citizens of a republic hammering out workable solutions to real

problems. At the end of the day, can we not think beyond our own special interest groups? Can we

not see past personas to issues?

Rather than leaving me in an emotional heap, it all reminds me to redouble my prayers for this

very troubled nation, and specifically that our Lord does not turn us over to our worst selves. Will you

join me in prayer for those who rule over us, and those who are being chosen to

do so in the not­too­distant future? Passages like Romans 13:1­7 and 1 Timothy 2:1­4 remind us of

God’s sovereignty in all things political as well our need to seek His face.

Christian Education at the Blue

Passing the Baton

Montgomery faithfully served as coordinators for Christian Education Sunday. Under their visionary leadership

most of the downstairs Sunday School rooms were renovated by the hands of many Blue Church folk. This

included drywall, new carpet and flooring, paint and colorful hall banners.

The Montgomerys regularly held meetings with the Christian Education (CE) staff for purposes of encouragement,

scheduling and staffing. They always challenged us to think outside the box and Steve loved

to tell the story of how he first came to be a Sunday School teacher when his children were

young. (Definitely outside of his box.)

Most Sundays Dana would be downstairs giving words of encouragement to the staff, greeting the children and

lending an ear to the teachers seeking and giving advice. They were/are very much appreciated for all that they did

to further the cause of Christ in the CE Sunday department. But now the baton has been passed to Dan and Jen

Kozlowski and we welcome them as the new CE Sunday co­ordinators. They come to this position with humble

hearts, energy and lots of experience. The Kozlowskis are very active in many areas of the Blue Church and are

Whenever new leaders come on board, change is inevitable. As a church, let’s continue to pray for the CE

department and for the Kozlowskis as they lead us and propose different ideas.

Many thanks to the Montgomerys for their years of service. Also, many thanks to the Lord for providing new

leadership. We hope to see everybody on Sundays.


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