
Pastor Rob Ladonne, 

“God is the author of life so it is no surprise that much of life prompts us to think about Him. In the writings below you will find references to every day experiences that have brought my faith into focus. I hope these writings encourage
you to have a deeper faith in God.”

God Prays For You

There is a lot of talk in churches about praying to God, and rightfully so. For one of our greatest blessings is to go before God’s throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16) and find a loving and merciful God who is happy to hear what is on our hearts.


Let’s Pray Like Solomon

When Solomon was around twenty years old, he became the King of Israel. That’s impressive!

But what’s even more impressive to me is how he prayed at the time:


A “Tail” of Two Guppies

Even though I’ve been keeping fish for over thirty years, I still marvel over them. I’m just amazed at how they differ in color, shape, function, and behavior.


The Joy of the Lord is our Strength

It had been a long time since Israel had felt joy…
For, the Babylonians had conquered Judah in 586 BC. And then, some fifty years later, Persia conquered Babylon and granted the Jews permission to return to Jerusalem.


God Upholds Us by His Word

There are many Bible verses that speak of how God upholds us, such as:

• Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes,
I will help you. Yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness. (Isaiah 41:10)
• The Lord upholds all who fall, and raises up all those who are bowed down. (Psalms 145:14)
• The Lord upholds the humble. He brings the wicked down to the ground. (Psalms 147:6)


Portal to Heaven

Through my hospice work in prisons, and now as a pastor, I have often found myself at the bedside of the dying. It is a sobering experience, as you witness the last vestiges of life appear and then disappear, often in predictable order before the person is gone.


House Building

Have you ever considered what goes into building a house?

According to industry estimates, an average-sized home contains approximately 20,000 nails! It is good to know that so many fasteners hold a house together!



God calls us to serve others.

And if we are being honest, this is not easy.


Because He often asks us to serve when we would rather not. And who we would rather not.


A Special Relationship

May I ask you something a little personal?

How do you feel about your brothers and sisters in Christ? …

All of them …


God’s Roots

In God’s creation, there is so much to marvel at. One such thing is the Redwood tree, which can soar to a height of three hundred feet tall, and whose roots often extend twelve feet below the ground and stretch out more than fifty feet wide!