
Pastor Rob Ladonne, 

“God is the author of life so it is no surprise that much of life prompts us to think about Him. In the writings below you will find references to every day experiences that have brought my faith into focus. I hope these writings encourage
you to have a deeper faith in God.”

Ministers of irreconcilable differences

Recently I was considering the story of Jonah. He was a man who clearly
wanted to beat to his own drum. Even in his service to God he seemed
determined to minister to whomever he wanted to minister to and go wherever
he decided he should go. He wasn’t shy about telling God what he thought or
what he was going to say.


Triumph in Christ

The beginning of this week was really difficult for me. On the unit where I
work at the prison we have some of the most disruptive inmates in the whole
institution. Earlier this week they had brought their disruptive efforts to
a new level and it was almost impossible to do rounds.


I am alive!

I suspect that many of you are familiar with the scene in the movie, “The
Wizard of Oz” when Dorothy and her cowardly companions enter into the
ominous throne-room of “The great and powerful Oz”.


You have no excuse

There are several phrases that we usually don’t want to be on the receiving
end of. They are:

*       Have I not made myself clear?
*       How could you have missed this?
*       Do I need to point out the painfully obvious to you?
*       You have no excuse


Emoji emotions Inbox x CHURCH x

This past week I received an email from one of my co-workers and in it they
questioned if I was doing as much work as others in the department. How is
that for a pleasant email? Then I noticed at the end of their inquiry an


Losing all sensitivity towards God and those He created.

If you are like me, you are still trying to make sense of the horrifying
shootings that are happening across the world like the one that happened in
Las Vegas, Nevada this past week. When something like this happens my mind
always wanders towards questions like,


Do your eyes need to be fixed?

There is an interesting directive given in the bible that is not commonly
heard today. In several instances believers are called to “fix their eyes”
on something or someone. Here are three examples:


Look for the surprise

This weekend I have been black-topping my driveway. Yesterday I edged the
grass around it and swept the entire surface before wetting it down to get
all the dust off. Then I got some crack sealer and went around filling in
all the little “alligator” cracks that permeated the surface of my driveway.


Dope life

I know this may sound strange but when I am psychologically assessing
someone at the prison, part of my assessment includes considering all the
tattoos they have on their body. Why? Because it is reasonable to conclude
that at some point (even the present), what they allowed their body to be
marked with by way of a tattoo was what they wanted to be known about them.
Does it tell me about their gang?


What does it profit a man?

I am at the age where I am seeing movie stars who I have watched for years
pass away. The other day Lisa and I were watching the movie “Doubt” and
enjoyed the excellent acting of Phillip Seymour Hoffman.