Planting, Establishing, and Leading Local Churches
- About the mission. . . Paul begins with God’s authority, not his own (v. 1; cf. 1 Timothy 6:13-16). How does knowing that our work is for and from God shape our attitudes? Our methods? How does knowing that God assures victory and grants rewards change us?
- About the message. . . Why is proclaiming truth so important (vv. 1-5)? Why don’t people respond positively to truth? Why are many teachers so quick to tell folks things they want to hear? What happens when we listen only to those things we want to hear?
- About the methods. . . Today we hear much about “networking,” but by that many mean only creating relationships which will further their careers. What is the difference between that and what you see Paul practicing (cf. Romans 16)? How are his methods of preparing and placing workers similar to Jesus’ ways? Why can it be tempting to work alone and forget about training others? Why is it hard (at times, for some) to trust others?
- About the ministry. . . One of our greatest enemies is our own set of faulty expectations. We expect people to welcome us, like us, be like us, listen to us, and cooperate with us. Paul’s experience and Jesus’ experience should cure us of that. Why do we make these faulty assumptions? Why are we surprised when people “jump ship,” misunderstand, or betray? How does Paul deal with his reality that no one stood with him at his first trial (vv. 16, 17)? How does Jesus prepare us? John 16:1-4
- May 26, 2019“Proclamation and Partnership” Or, “Yes, ministry is difficult, but you are NOT flying solo.” 2 Timothy 4:1-22
May 26, 2019“Proclamation and Partnership” Or, “Yes, ministry is difficult, but you are NOT flying solo.” 2 Timothy 4:1-22By: (All)Series: Nurturing God’s FamilyHow do we apply these principles?
- About the mission. . . Paul begins with God’s authority, not his own (v. 1; cf. 1 Timothy 6:13-16). How does knowing that our work is for and from God shape our attitudes? Our methods? How does knowing that God assures victory and grants rewards change us?
- About the message. . . Why is proclaiming truth so important (vv. 1-5)? Why don’t people respond positively to truth? Why are many teachers so quick to tell folks things they want to hear? What happens when we listen only to those things we want to hear?
- About the methods. . . Today we hear much about “networking,” but by that many mean only creating relationships which will further their careers. What is the difference between that and what you see Paul practicing (cf. Romans 16)? How are his methods of preparing and placing workers similar to Jesus’ ways? Why can it be tempting to work alone and forget about training others? Why is it hard (at times, for some) to trust others?
- About the ministry. . . One of our greatest enemies is our own set of faulty expectations. We expect people to welcome us, like us, be like us, listen to us, and cooperate with us. Paul’s experience and Jesus’ experience should cure us of that. Why do we make these faulty assumptions? Why are we surprised when people “jump ship,” misunderstand, or betray? How does Paul deal with his reality that no one stood with him at his first trial (vv. 16, 17)? How does Jesus prepare us? John 16:1-4
- May 19, 2019“The Three Trees” Selected Scriptures
- May 12, 2019“Truth or Turmoil” Or, “You can’t win the battle if you don’t know you’re in a war.” 2 Timothy 3:1-17
May 12, 2019“Truth or Turmoil” Or, “You can’t win the battle if you don’t know you’re in a war.” 2 Timothy 3:1-17By: (All)Series: Nurturing God’s FamilyHow do we apply these principles?
- Are these the last days? The last days began with the coming of Jesus, according to Hebrews 1:2. Why does Paul link his “vice list” (vv. 2-5) with the last days? How is this both a warning and an encouragement? See also 1 John 2:18; 4:3.
- Where does outward evil begin? Notice that Paul begins and ends this list with what people love or don’t love. Why is this important? List the qualities these people lack. How do these deficiencies contribute to the breakdown of a culture? Can you list some parallels with Israel’s downfall in 2 Chronicles 36:11-16?
- How do false teachers work? Why do you think Paul points out that a key target of the false teachers are “weak women burdened with sins”? (No, he is not defaming women.) Why does he say these teachers are “creeping into houses”? What is it about our sins that make us easy prey for heretics and false teachers? Why does he say that, like the magicians, they will not get far?
- How does Truth reveal itself? Paul reminds Timothy not only of Scripture that he knew but the lives that he had seen living that truth. Why and how can conduct of the faithful become an encouragement to Timothy (and us)? What does Paul mean when he says that Scripture is “God breathed”? What descriptive words and phrases does he use to indicate that Scripture is a sufficient resource for Timothy? How sufficient is it?
- Apr 28, 2019“Enduring the Flame, Passing the Torch” 2 Timothy 2:1-13
Apr 28, 2019“Enduring the Flame, Passing the Torch” 2 Timothy 2:1-13By: (All)Series: Nurturing God’s FamilyHow do we apply these principles?
- Do we take grace for granted? We are so used
- Do we outsource discipleship? Before following Jesus became "Christianity" and all of its institutions,
- What about these three images? Paul uses the analogies of soldiering, farming, and athletic competition
- God’s Sovereignty or Man’s Responsibility?
- Apr 21, 2019“But Some Doubted” Matthew 28:17 Maybe you are doubting, too!
Apr 21, 2019“But Some Doubted” Matthew 28:17 Maybe you are doubting, too!By: (All)Series: Nurturing God’s Family
- Apr 14, 2019“Honor and Accountability” 1 Timothy 5:17–6:2
Apr 14, 2019“Honor and Accountability” 1 Timothy 5:17–6:2By: (All)Series: Nurturing God’s FamilyHow do we apply these principles?
- Saints and Sinners Humans tend either to worship their leaders or demonize them. Paul calls for leaders to be both honored and held accountable, but that requires a ruthless objectivity which is often cast aside under pressure or intimidation. Why is it so difficult for people to be objective about leaders? How do these guidelines dovetail with elder qualifications listed in 3:1-6? What might tempt a church just to cover up the sin of its leaders? What happens when it does? What does it imply that some sins appear quickly, others over time? Why does choosing leaders take time?
- Honor and Double Honor What does “double honor” imply? How does Paul use the Old Testament quotations in v. 18? Some have suggested that to support a pastor (elder) monetarily is wrong because it places him above the people as privileged. How would you answer them? Why are some elders “paid” and other not? How can this privilege be abused? 1 Peter 5:1-5
- Slaves and Masters As we study the book of Philemon, along with the rest of the New Testament, it is clear that the kind of slavery referenced is quite different from that of the USA in pre-Civil War days. How would you paraphrase Paul’s message to slaves? How does that principle apply to employees today? Why is there an implied message to masters as well? How would you paraphrase it for today? Why the reminder that our faith must extend to the marketplace? Col. 3:22–4:1
- Apr 7, 2019“Just Family” 1 Timothy 5:1-16
Apr 7, 2019“Just Family” 1 Timothy 5:1-16By: (All)Series: Nurturing God’s Family
- Family or Foe? Paul’s instruction to Timothy about treating church members in age and gender-appropriate ways clearly is sage advice. What pitfalls can Timothy avoid by not rebuking an elder, but entreating him as a father (or grandfather)? Why should Timothy treat older women as he would his mother? Why treat younger women as sisters? This does not mean there are never conflicts, but that they are resolved in loving and helpful ways. Who is your family? Mark 3:20, 21, 31-35; Romans 2:28, 29
- Family or Church? The care of widows is primarily the responsibility of their own families (5:4, 8, 16), and only then, the church’s. What are the reasons Paul gives for this principle? In our culture of social programs and “senior living” centers, how should these principles be applied? If a family is not taking care of an elderly parent or grandparent, should the church intervene? If so, how should that be done? James 2:14-17; 1 John 3:16-18
- Faith and Works Paul’s words to Timothy are serious ones. What does he say is at stake (vv. 4, 8) if a family does not care for their widows? Why does he say this? And what is at stake if a widow (one who had been “enrolled” as a servant to the church in those days) abandons her promises? What does it mean to turn aside after Satan? Are there any parallels today of the “enrolled” widows of the first century church?
- Mar 31, 2019“Equipping the Called” 2 Timothy 1:1-18
Mar 31, 2019“Equipping the Called” 2 Timothy 1:1-18By: (All)Series: Nurturing God’s FamilyHow do we apply these principles?
- Me? A Role Model? Paul urged Timothy to be a good role model. Who are some of your role models/mentors and why did you look up to them? What are some ways that you can be a better role model today?
- Run from suffering or run to suffering? Suffering is uncomfortable and you probably try to avoid it. However, being a Christian is an invitation to suffer for the gospel. What should you remember as you persevere through suffering? What is the fruit of suffering?
- Who’s your companion? Companionship is not just for church leaders, even though they are to model it. How
- Mar 24, 2019Nurturing God’s Family “In the Sight of God, Stand Strong!” 1 Timothy 6:3-21
Mar 24, 2019Nurturing God’s Family “In the Sight of God, Stand Strong!” 1 Timothy 6:3-21By: (All)Series: Nurturing God’s Family
Growth Group Questions for the week of 3/24/19
1) In 1 Timothy 6:3-4, Paul tells Timothy 3 If anyone teaches otherwise and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, 4 they are conceited and understand nothing.
The leaders of a church have the primary responsibility for ensuring that “sound instruction” is being given. Do non-leaders have any role in this? What can those who are not in leadership do to help ensure that the teaching that is being offered is in line with the truth of God’s word? What would be the appropriate thing to do if you believed that our church was no longer teaching the truth?
2) In 1 Timothy 6: 6-10, Paul shares, “6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. 8 But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. 9 Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.”
You have likely heard the phrase, “Have an attitude of gratitude”. What does having gratitude have to do with contentment? What steps do you take to help you to be thankful and content with your life? How should we view God in the midst of these considerations?
How can a believer guard against falling in love with money? Is it wrong for Christians to have a lot of money? Why or why not? How can a person who is rich glorify God with their money?
3) Paul charged Timothy in 1 Timothy 6:13-16 13 In the sight of God, who gives life to everything, and of Christ Jesus, who while testifying before Pontius Pilate made the good confession, I charge you 14 to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15 which God will bring about in his own time—God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords, 16 who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honor and might forever. Amen.
Why is it important for a church to remember that all they do is “in the sight of God”? What problems could develop if they don’t? Read Revelation Chapter 3:14-18. The church in Laodicea had a view of themselves that was much different than how Jesus saw them. What were the differences? Generally speaking, is there any way that a church can guard against having such a distorted view of itself?
- Mar 17, 2019Empowering Our Messengers: Caring For Those We Send Philippians 4:10-20
Mar 17, 2019Empowering Our Messengers: Caring For Those We Send Philippians 4:10-20By: (All)Series: Nurturing God’s FamilyWhat they do. . . They have concern, show concern, renew concern (v. 10b) They seek opportunities to help, and continue to help (v. 10 b) They love radically (their love is rare, their giving lavish) (v. 15) How they make a difference. . . They sustain and empower the sent one (vv. 10, 18) They create joy in the sent one (v. 10a) They share in the heart of the sent one (vv. 12, 13) How they benefit. . . They share in the sent one’s joy (v. 10) They are blessed by God (v. 19) They are to be rewarded by God (v. 17) How they glorify God. . . They bear fruit for God (v. 17) They please God (v. 18c) They participate in the heart of God, the gospel (v. 15)