City Team is a many faceted service organization that primarily focuses on the homeless and addicted of Delaware County. It provides a Christian-based recovery program for men who are willing to commit to turning their lives around and a shelter for homeless men. In addition, City Team provides meals seven days a week to the hungry men, women and children who come to their door, and they have a food cupboard for those who need assistance financially. Their volunteers also gather supplies for babies, school, and clothing for all ages. The Blue Church participates in all these areas, helping serve meals, collecting food and clothing, and providing transportation to and from the church so that some of the residents can attend Sunday school and church.

The Blue Church conducts a worship service each month for two to three dozen residents at the Sterling Nursing Center in Media, and Sterling’s staff offers their heartfelt thanks for our efforts. Our focus has always been on Scriptural preaching and praise through song. The residents, although elderly, continually surprise us with their enthusiastic singing. New musicians, speakers and helpers are always welcome. Anyone who can competently speak or play their instrument will fit right in. It is gratifying that Sterling’s residents and staff enjoy the Blue Church visits as much as we do!
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