How do we apply these principles?
- Law or Love? The Pharisees hated Jesus, but loved the Law of Moses. He reminded them that they had not kept the Law (John 7:19). Steven also was killed for the same reason (Acts 7:53). The point is that if no one has or can keep the law perfectly, it is foolish to keep insisting on it as a way to be right with God, especially as the New Covenant was destined to replace it (Jeremiah 31:31-34). Love always was the goal, since love fulfills the Law (Romans 13:8-10). Without love, law becomes a path to self-righteousness.
- Direction or Distraction? Satan does not care how we get distracted from the gospel, as long as we do. These teachers were distracted by myths and genealogies related to the Law of Moses, but what about us? We can be distracted by debates on the age of the earth, the date of The Flood, keeping the Sabbath, the extent of the atonement, Bible translations, or the abuses of prosperity theology and the spiritual gifts. Is anything distracting you from the God’s revelation of grace in Jesus? Philippians 2:1-4; 4:2, 3
- Nice Citizens or New Creatures? The New Covenant “works” because it provides, by faith, what the Law did not: a clear conscience (sins forgiven), a pure heart (God’s life), and power to change (God’s Spirit). Paul does not say our goal is politeness, but love, a joyful love produced by the New Covenant gifts, not a slavish fear of punishment. It is finished. Rest in Jesus. Hebrews 9:8-14; 10:11-18