The Blue Box Blog
Bob Kinzel

“Enough advice! Stop nagging!”

Unsolicited advice abounds today. We have COVIDOVERLOAD!

We know to keep our distance, wear a mask, and stay home.
We know to wash our hands, use sanitizer, and wipe down surfaces.
We know to shelter in place, not touch our face, and order takeout.


“Are we there yet?”

When our two sons were ever-present back seat passengers, we did our best to keep them occupied. The alternative was the endlessly repeated question above.

Looking back on those pre-video days, I realize that we used one of two methods. The first was distraction, pure and simple. Play this game, work this puzzle, focus on this toy, and later, read this book.


Time Traveling

There are two ways to travel, two different types of traveler.

One says, “Let’s just get there.” My dad was an expert on that method. It’s a simple, no-nonsense approach that works well: We get in the car, and get out when we get there. Period. We’ll eat when we get there, sleep when we get there, and we stop only out of (extreme) biological necessity or if a policeman insists.


God’s Complaint Department: Line Forms Here

Stressful times are made worse by denial. Let’s not pretend that everything is good when it isn’t, or that we are happy when we are not. But what should we do?


Embracing Exile

We often hear the question, “When will things return to normal?”

It’s a good question, and one the Jews in Babylon were asking after they had been taken there as captives of Nebuchadnezzar and his cruel army. Many of their prophets were predicting a quick turnaround, and that they soon would be back in their own land, enjoying life as it had been a few short months ago.



We are good at many things, but we are not good at waiting.
We think waiting is wasting time, a non-productive time.
We think waiting is being lazy, the opposite of working.
We think waiting is what we do while nothing is getting done.
We think waiting is, at best, annoying and inconvenient.


Virtual Gatherings

Tomorrow we will again gather online. Does that sound awkward? How can we gather if we are apart? How can people “get together” while “social distancing”? 

Turns out, it’s not as strange as it sounds, because of God’s Spirit. Long before Pentecost and the official “coming of the Spirit” predicted by Jesus in The Upper Room, David (Psalm 139) sang these words to the Lord:


Life Gone Viral!

“Strange,” “Zombie,” “Twilight Zone,” “Bizarre” are words we hear often today. Clearly, most of us are experiencing things we’ve never seen before. Empty streets, shortages of common supplies, and closed businesses leave our neighborhoods with a “ghost town” feel, don’t they?


The Blue Box

Hello! Pastor Bob here. I’m back from Sierra Leone, thanks to your prayers, and am catching up on all that’s happened while I was gone. It is like I left one country, and returned to a different one!

Your leaders are in touch with one another daily and we keep searching for ways to stay in contact with you. All of our elders will be making calls, and I will be doing that, too.