Soldiers need more than just training and logistical support. They are in need of good morale as well. All of the equipment and expertise in the world does not erase the fear of battle and create confidence.
Psalm 94 is a great reminder of how God not only assures us of victory and fights for us, but also enables us to soldier on another day. He knows we need both a winning strategy and quiet confidence.
First is a call for God to engage the wicked (vv. 1-3):
“O Lord, the God who avenges, O God who avenges, shine forth.
Rise up, O Judge of the earth; pay back to the proud what they deserve.”
Then a list of grievances against the wicked (vv. 4-8):
They are arrogant, and crush and oppress the weak.
They murder. And they believe God is not paying attention.
Then a decree of the coming judgment upon the wicked and rest for God’s people (vv. 9-15) And where else could I find help? (vv. 16, 17)
And in the middle of the fray, the moral support (vv. 18, 19). . .
“When I said, ‘My foot is slipping,’
your love, O Lord, supported me.
When anxiety was great within me,
your consolation brought joy to my soul.”
In our battles for justice, let’s keep these two facts in mind. God not only is going to bring spiritual victory and subdue all wicked forces, He also, even now, is quieting our anxieties and replacing them with joy.
God’s love, demonstrated ultimately in the death of Jesus for our sins, supports us when all seems hopeless. “Love never fails,” and that is preeminently true of God’s love. God’s consolation drives away our fears because “the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10
Here is how we can view today’s injustices as believers: (vv. 20-22):
“Can a corrupt throne be allied with you–
one that brings on misery by its decrees?
They banded together against the righteous
and condemn the innocent to death.
But the Lord has become my fortress,
and my God the rock in whom I take refuge.”
The psalm ends (v. 23) with the sobering reality that there is a price to pay for opposing the Lord. It is His, and not ours, to judge.
The heart of the faithful is calmed by the eyes of his faith. When I rejoice in God’s certain victory, and take refuge in Him, I can fight one more day. The battle is not eternal. God’s reward will be.
“O Lord, you fight our battles and engage our enemies, and cause us to triumph. We ask that the present threats around us not discourage us, but give us a vision for your victory in the work and worth of your Son. In His name, Amen.